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 Forumrules. (UK-versie.) 
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Geregistreerd: 19 maart 2013, 22:15
Berichten: 1907
Bericht Forumrules. (UK-versie.)
Forum Rules

The bodemvondstenwereld forum is a great looking family.
Just like in real life, the forum rules apply to everything in an orderly manner, and to ensure viability in the forum.

Managing http://www.bodemvondstenwereld.nl favors conducting a discussion in an open and transparent manner.
Furthermore, we assume, a mature and respectful way to discuss. We also see, with our moderators to it that that posts
a significant contribution to the subject.

The topics covered in the forum rules will be discussed:
- General and conduct.
- Guidelines concerning the placing hyperlinks
- Rules relating to (registered) user
- Personal Information
- Rights of administrators and moderators.
- Measures in violation of forum rules
- Liability

General and conduct:
What does not:
Intolerance: hateful, racist, fascist, threatening, sexually explicit, derogatory, defamatory or offensive messages, avatars, pictures or film clips is prohibited.
Privacy: Do not third party personal data (such as name, address, telephone number) on the forum.

it is not allowed without permission to copy photographs or images for their own purposes.
(There is an exception if the owner has written permission from a pbtje geeft.dat can here on the forum or via e mail if he / she have made visible to the personal information.)
Important is that a copy is retained as evidence.

Spamming: ads, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid games and applications is not permitted.
Copyright break: Do not messages, images, videos or other publications, which by copyright, image rights or other rights, unless you are the owner of the respective law.
Any other act which is prohibited by law.
Using an existing avatar of a member of this forum is not allowed.

Uploading (own) photos from a photo server or link to this forum is not allowed.

Dealers of coins or other objects that only want to use this forum to identify their goods or offering like Sales sites, auction sites, currency trading and antiquarian will be banned.

Guidelines regarding the placement of hyperlinks:
A link in a message on the forum is allowed, provided such link the information that they provide a relevant contribution to the subject.
Commercial references related to the inserted links are not allowed.
A link in "Related Links" is permitted, provided the topic is not relevant as an advertising tool.
A link to the personal profile forum is allowed in the appropriate field 'site URL'

Rules relating to (registered) user:
Creating a user account.
It is not:
- A forum name to use which is contrary to general rules of conduct.
- A forum name to use too much like the name of another forum member.
- You to spend on something you are not or appear so to awaken, by means of expressions in image or script.
- To have as an individual to have multiple accounts.

The above points are subject to review by the administrators and moderators.

Rules and guidelines regarding the sale of (hobby) related goods;
- It is not allowed to do bulk-sales as seller, if one is not a sponsor of mass marketing.
- The team excavated the world would be highly appreciated if when selling a financial donation is transferred to the book-entry number of the form. (With no donation is it not possible to sell goods through our forum).

Guidelines for placing a "for sale" topic.
Provide the following information to avoid ambiguity:

- Item: brand, type, etc of the item
- Location: where you live or where the item is pick up
- Condition: new, slightly used, with / without packaging
- Reason for sale: you buy something new, you need money, ...
- Prices and terms: it is a starting price, asking price, fixed price can be negotiated?
- Method of Sending: Takeout, after sending payment, send COD
- Additional Info: what more is there to say about the item
- If possible, a photograph, this will definitely be selling better.

Deleting a user account and messages.
To remove a user, the following rules apply:
Users may request messages to modify or delete. A moderator weighs the interests against each other and decide on adjustment or removal. Doubt a moderator, then consult with his colleagues continued to doubt a casting vote by the managers.
Deleting all messages from a user is not done. A user can request that messages have to adjust, so that his postings are not traceable to his person.
Users can request their account be removed. Messages are retained. Expelled members do not have this right, in connection with maintaining the IP address.

Personal Information
The forum requires personal information when registering (like where you live, work, your e-mail address, etc.). You decide how much you want to unblock and you may at any time modify or delete such information.
Furthermore, we also collect other information (such as your IP address, what browser you use, etc). This information will be used to better adapt the forum and to align its users. It can also be used when deciding if you have broken the forum rules. (See action for violating forum rules.)
The Global Forum Fossil finds uses cookies to your visit to the forum more personal. Using these cookies, your personal settings will be kept secured and what messages have been read.

None of the information collected is sold, transferred or disclosed to third parties. Exception is a request for information from authorities for criminal investigation and / or a request for information by the judiciary. Occasionally may be used provided e-mail addresses for the abreast of new developments around the forum.

Everything is placed by means of messages in topics basically remains the property of this forum, this may be an exception, if a logo on the photo to petitioners.

Rights of administrators and moderators:
While the administrators and moderators of the forum have the right to delete some messages, edit, move and have the right topics and forums to close when they deem it necessary.

Actions for violations of board rules:
Customize a message:
A moderator or an administrator can customize a message if he / she finds that the content is inappropriate or in violation of the forum rules.
It explains why the message is changed, to avoid confusion and prevent recurrence.
Delete a message:
A moderator or an administrator can delete a message if he / she finds that the content is inappropriate or in violation of the forum rules.
It explains why the message is changed, to avoid confusion and prevent recurrence.
Warning and expulsion:
For repeated violation of board rules, a warning or ban. This drastic measure will be applied only after several warnings and as a last resort use.

Gross violation of the forum rules may result in immediate expulsion.
Convicted of a crime can lead to immediate expulsion, if the good name of the forum is at stake.
If you're banned, it is not allowed without permission again to join the forum.
A request for consent may be submitted via Ramsbrug@bodemvondstenwereld.nl

Liability (Disclaimer)
The moderators and administrators hereby declare no responsibility for the content, accuracy, completeness or accuracy of the postings. The moderators and administrators reserve the right to delete messages or modify, as for compliance with the forum rules is necessary. When a moderator or administrator acting in his role as representative of the soil find world forum, he will express lyrically.
Any other expression in their personal capacity.

The end user will be solely responsible and liable for the contents of any posts. Any costs resulting from improper use forums (eg copyright infringement), can be passed on to the end user.

The claim of copyright: only a notification of the owner of the respective rights will be handled. It should also be made plausible that this is actually the owner concerned.

Will you agree with the forum rules above, we wish you, a pleasant and above all a nice forum fun.

The bodemvondstenwereld team

06 nov 2011, 23:03
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